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We start with a thorough analysis how to reveal your potential in terms of colors, style and body shape.


Armed with the necessary tools you’ll put into practice the newly acquired knowledge during a personal shopping session. You will dare to create the looks which give you that extra flavor.


To end this fabulous day we go for a refreshing moment of HAIRSTYLING.


During this day full of positive vibes, the focus is fully on you and your image, because after all, to quote  Warren Buffet “ the best investment you can make is in yourself”.


  • Take-in interview

  • Analysis of your colorimetry

  • Explanation of your color harmony

  • Make-up advice (women)

  • Analysis of your personal style and how to reinforce it and adapt it through different occasions.

  • Analysis of your morphology and how to reveal your potential. Explain which clothing cuts suit you best and what are the dos and don'ts for your typology. 

  • Analysis  of your silhouette and proportion.

  • Examination of  the materials, prints, accessories and necklines that suit you best

  • How to make the right combinations: suit, tie and collar (men)

  • Prepare shopping session

  • Personal shopping (2 hours)


A personalised dossier will be composed as a guideline for your future shopping and styling.


If you wish, you have the option to book on top one or more follow-up style meetings to check on your compositions, validate your internet shopping or newly acquired pieces.




FOLLOW-UP STYLE MEETING (Atelier Anoustyle or visio) - 1H : 130 CHF

Fabulous Flavor Day WOMAN: My Services
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